Our mission is to provide a model of quality basic education that integrates language, culture, literacy and academic excellence. |
A warm welcome at La’angumFire festival began Monday night and the following day was a public holiday, hence no school. (Will write about the Fire Festival later). I was in school yesterday. Upon arrival, the children ran to welcome me with "Mma Azimi lo, lo, lo!!!" They crowded around to shake hands with me and help with my pieces of luggage.
I visited all classes to say hello but spent the longest time in 2nd grade to talk about my trip that kept me away for so long. On a detailed map of Ghana, we traced the route from Bumboazio => Langbinsi => Walewale => Tamale => Kintampo => Techiman => Kumasi => Accra. Then the deep blue sea over which the airplane had to fly from Africa to North America! The concept of distance was a bit overwhelming since most of them have never traveled to Gambaga or Walewale i.e, 16 miles or 22 miles away from their village. The children (and teachers) had so many questions about flying: is it made of wood or metal? What to eat if it takes so long to arrive? Can you make fire to prepare food inside there? What do you do if you feel like going to toilet? Can you fall out? How big is a plane? How can it fly if it is so big? Etc; etc. They were ready to forgo their break time. Discussion to be continued with the class.
The teachers and I met after closing to brief / debrief each other on important goings-on since the end of October. I brought them greetings from our friends and supporters and shared the remarkable work you and many others do to support them and their work with the children at the La'angum Learning Center. It was a long but exhilarating day. I just finished a similar debriefing / briefing and a planning session with Baba.
Bye for now. Will be back soon.
Alice |
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