PAMBE Ghana started with one person’s dream. It is through the dedicated effort and generous resources of a great many that this dream has become reality. We wish to thank our partners, who have had the vision and confidence to help create, sustain and grow this dream.
Ni ya tuuma tuuma tuuma!
Thank you, very, very much!
Ongoing Major Support:
Individual donors, large and small, who have each touched us with their caring gift.
Families and villagers in Ghana, who helped build La’Angum Learning Center, and who continue to sustain and support their school.
Key volunteers:
Kathryn Carey, professor of early childhood education and first president of PAMBE Ghana Board of Directors, now emeritus
Emmy Ezzell, volunteer director
Linda Temple, Global Market director
Patti Tepper-Rasmussen, accounts receivable
Richard Williamson, treasurer
Nancy and Bill Majors, volunteers at large
Other Partners:
Oklahoma A+ Schools
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits
Rainbow of Hope for Children (Canada)
Rainbow Fleet (Oklahoma City)
Learning Tree (Oklahoma City)
Oklahoma City Ghanaian Community Organization
Casady School, OKC
Cleveland Elementary School, OKC
Heritage Hall, OKC
Westminster School, OKC
St. Paul’s Cathedral (Oklahoma City)
Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ (Oklahoma City)
First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City
Holy Grounds Assembly International (Dallas and Oklahoma City)
Rotary Chapters:
Bricktown (Oklahoma City)
Wainright (Canada)
Watford (Canada)
Tamale (Ghana)
Revelstoke (Canada)
Musicians and Artists
Kelly Holmes (Oklahoma City)
Warren Puffer Jones (Oklahoma City)
Kaberic/Eric Kabore (Burkina Faso)
Jahruba Lambeth (Oklahoma City)
Steve McLinn (Oklahoma City)
Founding organizations:
Ann & Henry Zarrow Foundation
Kennedy Law Firm
Learning Tree, Inc.
Loves Country Foods
Pickard Art Galleries
First Unitarian Church
Mayflower Congregational Church
Heritage Hall School
Matching Gift Challenge
The Paul and Ann Milburn Foundation has provided incentive matching grants to PAMBE Ghana from 2009 through 2020. These grants provided matching funds for new donor contributions of up to $10,000, and even more in some years. Each year, PAMBE Ghana has been fortunate to secure enough new donations to realize the full value of these additional, incentive funds.